Friday, 2 February 2007

Ed's Story.

this is Ed's story...he works for a tesco's in Manchester and is working his way up to team leader.

Hi, I am Ed...i am 25 years old and i'm a soon-to-be team leader at a manchester branch. I will keep this short and sweet for now as i'm just about to do some overtime but the long and short of my story is this.
i am sick of the shallow elistist managment that runs quicker than water in out store. it has taken me more than 3 years to make team leader...where certain ladies who twiddle their hair and make eyes at the big men get promotion after promotion. what do i have to do to get higher in this god-damn company? have a sex change and make blatent passes at my boss?
or maybe i should just turn into one of the "old boys network" and spend my lifetime on the golf course with them.

maybe i have more morals, or maybe i'm just stupid...maybe our store is the only one with this favouritistic mentality. whatever the case..i wish it'd stop. either that or hand in a transfer request.

don't believe the hype, kids...tescos ISN'T equal ops, and it certainly isn't promotion for hard work. not in my store. and not in a few others, i don't you DARE complain about the service. you try working your arse off for crap pound an hour and no prospects and still be expected to deliver the "every little helps" experiance.

yeah, every little helps...if you have long eyelashes or a golf club.


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